Pregnancy lesson #26: What you look like no longer matters nearly as much as it once did. Once your belly hits a certain mark-can you spend too much time worrying about your looks? I look at myself in pictures now and it's kind of an out of body experience. In my head, I still look the same as I always have, you know-sans belly, but wow-when you see it in pictures. Wow!!
The belly sure is growing-the girl is 15 inches now and almost 2 pounds-now where did the other 28 pounds come from?? There is something very freeing about checking your ego at the door in order to take these pictures to capture this special occasion for your baby. Honestly, I might not have followed through if I didn't want to do this for her, but am so glad I have continued to take the pictures. It will be nice to have a record of this time and sometimes you just have to check yourself and realize that your figure just isn't as important as it once was. With that being said Happy Thanksgiving-I hope you all will enjoy the holiday and all it's glory with me. Because next year-it's back to watching the waistline :)