Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Families

The Lindsay/Christie Family

The Marcell Clan

Wedding Pic's...July 19, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Goertz

The Boys:
Jeff, Toby, Robert, Zach, Justin, Saul, Chris, Kevin, Toby, Trey, and Heath.
Thank you gentlemen so much for being in the wedding! Lookin good!!

The Girls: Kalli, Rachel, Melia,Staci, Me, Molly, Dana, Anne, Ginger, Olivia I love you Girls so much!! Thank you so much for being in the wedding.

Doggie Pic's...


Ty Ty helps me cook. See the flour on his nose.



Some Honeymoon Pictures...

It's Been Awhile...

We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary, and it was so odd and special all at the same time. We ended up driving around Dallas for 3 hours and meeting up with Justin's mom for dinner. We had a terrific time at dinner, came home, watched our wedding video, ate our 1 year old wedding cake (ugh!), and drank our wedding champagne (YUM!!!). I have grown to know and understand love in a completely different way over this past year. I cannot thank God enough for all the many blessings he has given me.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day for Him???

This year has been one of many changes, changing my married status, re-adjusting to married life, a new bigger family, starting grad school, but the biggest change of all, has been changing my last name. Maybe it's because I feel like I have a new identity, No Longer am I Elizabeth Marcell, I am Elizabeth Goertz. Those are two totally different names with different sounds and different handwriting. Because I am a teacher, I am constantly called by my last name and adjusting from Miss Marcell to Mrs. Goertz has been a really bittersweet time for me. I am extremely happy and feel so blessed to be a Goertz, but I am also proud of the last name Marcell, the same as my daddy and my connection to him. Either way I love my husband and feel like this huge transition, in my eyes, has brought us closer together (we are a family now) and has an ever reminding bond. We have the same last name now, that's a bond! So for this year for Valentine's Day I decided to celebrate that bond by buying him a framed picture art of our last name Goertz!! I love you Lovey and want to thank you for making me feel so honored to be a Goertz!

My Funny Valentine...

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and it was our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. It was the BEST Valentine's day that we have had so far! In order to understand this story fully though, there is a bit of background that needs to be shared. My Loving, sweet, wonderful husband has not always been so good at the Valentine's Day. Our very first Valentine's Day together, I was at home because I had shattered my heel and was immoble for 9 months. Valentine's day was the start of my 2nd month not being able to move without the help of crutches. In order to make it special for Justin, I had a friend take me to buy balloons, paper, candy, a card, and a giant I love you stuffed heart! I had filled the balloons with reasons why I loved him and candy and filled his room with Valentine's love. What did my sweet endearing husband do for me in return (and let's just admit that Valentine's day is a woman's holiday), he called me on his way home from work and said that he had to stop to get a card and a flower, because he had forgotten Valentine's Day. I was devistated and MAD!! Now I am more understanding and realize that that may just be the way things go, but at the time...Furious!
Jump forward five years to February 14, 2009 and my sweet wonderful husband made me feel so very special. He planned the whole day as a surprise. He booked a massage, dinner, he got me and incredibly loving (and reassuring) card and we went to see True Confessions of a Shopaholic. When my heart was full of love and I didn't think I could take anymore, we went out on the town, Well Mainstreet Bar in Richardson with our friends Anne and Chris Shacklett (whom I adore and do not nearly get to spend enough time with) and came home to our guest room decorated in red lights and candles, with Marvin Gaye playing in the background. We laughed, loved, and danced, Yes I said danced. Last night was an tremendously special evening because I was lucky enough to spend it with an amazingly special man. Thank you, Justin for one of the greatest nights of my life. I love you!