Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Week 13 Sonogram pictures

I can't figure out how to fix that picture, but the doctor says she is doing great. Based on her length, she is 7.8 centimeters, she is measuring about a week early, so she is 13 weeks, 6 days based on her measurement. She is strong and healthy with 2 arms, 2 legs, and is moving and stretching in there.
Oh and yes, we are tentitively calling her a she because the doctor is 99% sure it's a GIRL!!! He pointed to a white horizontal line that he said means Baby Goertz will be a girl. Justin will be standing by for any support or advice you have. I think he was a bit more than shocked that he is going to have a daughter :)
We will find out for sure in October-until then we are only buying unisex baby things, just to be safe.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

GIRLS ARE AMAZING!!!! So excited for you! you will be a wonderful mommy:)